The solemn art of bibliophilia/ bibliophilism.

There is nothing better than a good book, a cup of coffee and a comfortable seat next to the window as it rains outside. The incredible music coming from your heart, the melody of contentment, is the sound only a bibliophile can understand, and this in itself is an art only few can, master and love.

According to Wikipedia the definition of Bibliophilia or bibliophilism is the love of books, and a bibliophile is an individual who loves books.

The immense love of books, is something unique; not all people can handle the power of words much less understand it. reading addicts will stay awake all night and absent all day just to finish a book, Some of these people in high schools are bullied for such introvert tendencies; but no one understands that the book worms, the wall flowers are the most amazing and profound creatures ever to walk this earth. They have abundant knowledge of the world and the cultures that are found in its countries.

Bibliophiles are often silent, reserved with this one friend that shares his or her passion for reading. They have magical personalities , calculated responses and huge goals. Bibliophiles will always be uncomfortable in large crowds, or while socializing.

People develop an ability to ponder, to think. They learn from what they read and become what they read, in human society they can indeed prove to be very amusing creatures.

They are powerful people in the sense they can manipulate language, something that holds immense magnitude.

However in our society not many people are given the chance to find this side of themselves that is, dare I say, almost artistic. If you are a bibliophile then share your love for  reading and let it grow.

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